“Did You See That” – March 2024

Federal Outlook

America is Having a Severe Case of Déjà Vu

As we know, history tends to repeat its self-time and time again. Many of you may have heard about the weird parallels between Lincoln and JFK, such as that both presidents were shot in the back of the head, on the Friday before a major holiday, while seated beside their wives, who both married socially prominent twenty-four-year-old woman who spoke French fluently, the list goes on and on. The same may be happening for 2020 and 2024. The Super Bowl in 2020 was between the 49ers and the Chiefs, same as in 2024, where the Chiefs won both games, Taylor Swift won Grammy awards in both 2020 and 2024, both years were leap years, and just like in 2020, we will see the same two candidates face off during the presidential election.

I am going to take a second to say, to be crystal clear, that I do not care who you vote for. That is your business, and it is your right as an American to believe what you want and vote how you want. Okay now back to the mess at hand

President Joe Biden, who was born before the invention of duct tape, penicillin, and the color TV, will once again face off against former President Donald Trump, whose skin looks like what happens if you eat too many carrots. I think we can all agree that this was the last matchup that we wanted to see, but here we are. This is the first presidential election rematch since 1956, which saw then President Dwight Eisenhower defeat for a second time in a row Democratic candidate, Adlai Stevenson, who could put a rock to sleep.

While it may be the same matchup, the sentiment around the election is very different. For one, we are no longer experiencing life as it was during COVID, where we saw state by state lockdowns, high unemployment numbers and a dire lack of live sports to watch. Contrast to the current climate we are living in, a world of high interest rates, unaffordable housing, and multiple military conflicts across the globe, and more sports betting than ever before.

The candidates, their political parties, the media, and really everyone are really focusing on one aspect when it comes to electability of the candidate, who is more “fit” to hold the office. I put fit in quotations because how that word is defined is different depending on who you ask. When it comes to President Biden “fitness” for office, people argue that he is too old to be president. Biden is 82 years old, which already makes him the oldest president in our history. If Biden were to win the election, he would be 86 when his term is over, which is even high for a golf score for a professional. Many have questioned his mental fitness at his current age, and are doubly concern that it will get worse as time goes on. Even the special counselor assigned to a case involving Biden’s storing classified documents after he was VP, expressing concern for his memory. Saying that he could not convict Biden beyond a reasonable doubt because “Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” That report also comes after 4 years of President Biden mis-saying names of countries and people, on a weekly basis. There are countless examples of Biden having mental gaffes. It shows something that people were genuinely happy to hear that Biden got it right at a town hall when he said he was president of the U.S. and not another country. people are also worried that with his “advanced age” he can’t relate with younger populations and their concerns. I mean we come from two different times, Biden grew up when a fun activity as a kid was playing with string and skipping rocks, while my generations and people younger than me idea of fun is killing zombies in a video games and catfishing people online.

When it comes to former President Donald Trumps “fitness” for office, the considerations are less around his mental state, but more around his actions as president and his belief on the power of presidency. People especially his actions surrounding the January 6th insurrection and potential election interference. The former president has been indicted by a special counsel on felony charges for working to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the run-up to the violent riot by his supporters at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The four-count indictment includes charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States government and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding: the congressional certification of Joe Biden’s victory. by saying that the election was stolen and trying to persuade state officials, then-Vice President Mike Pence and finally Congress to overturn the legitimate results. He was also indicted in Georgia along with 18 others, for violating the state’s anti-racketeering law (RICO) by scheming to illegally overturn his 2020 election loss. RICO charges are better known for being used by law enforcement to down the Mafia in the 80s and 90s. It is important to note that the former President is yet to be convicted of any charges. People are also concerned because Trump has shared his belief publicly that a president should have immunity from any actions they take as president, which many believe goes against the original intent of the constitution and the separation of powers. Trump said on Truth Social in all-caps “A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MUST HAVE FULL IMMUNITY, WITHOUT WHICH IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM/HER TO PROPERLY FUNCTION”. Trump is effectively arguing that a president can do whatever he wants while president and cannot be held liable. This is response to charges that were filed against him for illegally holding onto classified documents and allegedly trying to move/destroy evidence. People are concerned that a candidate that has allegedly worked to fix and overturn an election, as well as believes that a president should have full immunity to do whatever they want while president, is not “fit” to hold the country’s highest office.

In the end, we can all agree that this election season is going to be exhausting. Thank god we have the Olympics to distract us for parts of it.

Federal Recap

Biden Unveils Budget Proposal for FY25

On Monday, President Biden unveiled his proposed budget for FY25, which looks to cut the deficit by $3 trillion over a decade, by increasing taxes for companies and the wealthy. The proposals calls for raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent from 21 percent, which is the level that was set by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. It also calls for increasing what’s known as the corporate minimum tax to 21 percent from 15 percent. That tax, which was passed by Democrats in 2022, applies to corporations that report annual income of more than $1 billion to shareholders on their financial statements but use deductions, credits and other preferential tax treatments to reduce their effective tax rates well below the statutory 21 percent. In addition to quadrupling a 1 percent surcharge on corporate stock buybacks to 4 percent. White House economists estimate increasing the tax could yield $137 billion in new tax revenue over a decade.

For taxing the wealthy, the proposal includes language that would raise the capital gains tax rate for earner who make more than $400,000 a year to 39.6 percent, and close the so-called carried interest loophole that allows wealthy hedge fund managers and private equity executives to pay lower tax rates than entry-level employees. The most progressive policy included in the proposal would create a 25 percent “billionaire tax” on individuals with wealth, defined as the total value of their assets, of more than $100 million, with the goal is to prevent the wealthiest Americans from employing tax strategies that allow them pay lower tax rates than those of middle-class households.

Last Thursday, before the President’s State of the Union Address, House Republicans advanced their FY25 budget proposal, which would take a vastly different approach to balancing the budget, by cutting over $14 trillion in federal spending in such areas as green energy subsides and student loan forgiveness while reducing taxes. The House Budget Committee adopted the blueprint in a 19-15 party line vote last Thursday, with Budget committee chairman Jodey Arrington saying that the budget plan would reduce the federal debt, which stands at over $34 trillion, create a $44 billion budget surplus in fiscal 2034 and stir economic growth by lowering taxes. The budget postpones severe spending cuts until fiscal 2026, after the November election that will determine control of the White House and Congress. Committee documents show 2026 basic discretionary spending falling by more than $100 billion to $1.5 trillion.

To put it mildly, FY25 budget negotiations are expected to be turbulent, like a flight trying to fly through a hurricane. HCA will be watching the budget process closely as it unfolds.

Government Avoids Partial Government Shutdown, Still More to Do

Late on Friday, the Senate passed a government funding bill, funding roughly 30 percent of the federal government for the next six months, mere hours before the deadline. The legislation — which passed by a 75 to 22 vote — devotes $459 billion to the departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency and Food and Drug Administration, for the rest of the fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. President Biden signed the packaged shortly after it cleared the Senate. Biden thanked Congressional leadership for working together to avoid a partial shutdown. The passing of the funding package came more than five months into the current budget year after congressional leaders relied on a series of stopgap bills to keep federal agencies funded for a few more weeks or months at a time while they struggled to reach agreement on full-year spending.

Through the funding package, non-defense spending will remain relatively flat compared with the previous year. Supporters say that’s progress in an era when annual federal deficits exceeding $1 trillion have become the norm. But many Republican lawmakers were seeking much steeper cuts and more policy victories. The funding packaged also includes over 6,000 earmarks requested by individual lawmakers with a price tag of about $12.7 billion. Earmarks, which were previously banned in 2011, but was recently voted to reinstate earmarks in 2021 by Democrats, with Republicans soon following suit.

Congress still needs to tackle tricker funding packages for remaining departments, including the Departments of Defense, Financial Services and General Government, Homeland Security, Labor-HHS, Legislative Branch, and State and Foreign Operations. Those bills are typically much more controversial and are at greater risk of failure than the bills that passed this week.

State Outlook

Where The Money At?

For the 9th straight month, state tax collections fell short once again in February. This extends what was already the longest streak of below-benchmark months in more than two decades, tax revenue remains down compared to a year ago. State House News reported that the Department of Revenue reported Tuesday that it collected $2.007 billion last month — $27 million or 1.3 percent more than actual collections in February 2023 but still $11 million or a slim 0.6 percent shy of the administration’s revised monthly benchmark of $2.018 billion. The Healey administration in January lowered the monthly benchmark for February from the $2.137 billion it originally projected for the month prior to the governor’s fiscal year 2024 revenue downgrade. The last time tax collections came in at or above the administration’s monthly benchmark was June 2023, nine months ago. The Healey administration didn’t establish fiscal 2024 benchmarks until August last year, so there was no official expectation set for July 2023. But each month since — now seven in a row — has seen collections fall short of the administration’s projections.

The Executive Office of Administration and Finance said the administration is not planning to make additional budget moves in connection with the below-benchmark February revenue report. A spokesman said the budget office’s outlook on fiscal 2024 has not changed. DOR is due to report revenue collections for March by Wednesday, April 3. The monthly benchmark for March, which DOR said is usually “a mid-size month for revenue collections, ranking sixth of the 12 months in eight of the last 10 years,” is set at $3.935 billion. That would be $52 million more than what was collected in March 2023.

State Recap

Massachusetts Health Care Costs Rose in 2022

The Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA), created under a 2012 cost containment law, released its annual report Wednesday examining health care spending trends in 2022. The detailed report covers a year that started with record-high reporting of COVID-19 cases, followed by gradual decline throughout the year.

CHIA’s annual report estimated total health care spending in Massachusetts at $71.7 billion in 2022, and a per capita health care expenditure of $10,264 per resident. Total health care spending was up $3.9 billion (up 5.8 percent on a per capita basis) over 2021’s level — well in excess of the state’s 3.1 percent benchmark for health care cost growth. CHIA said the 5.8 percent growth rate in 2022 represents the largest one-year jump since measurement began in 2012, aside from the “anomalous spending growth in 2021 driven by the pronounced effects of the pandemic.” Health care spending shot up 9 percent in 2021 after posting a 2.3 percent decline in 2020.

The 2022 growth in health care spending was below both the rate of growth in the Massachusetts economy broadly (7.2 percent) and regional inflation (7.1 percent), CHIA said, but outpaced growth in both national wages and salaries (5.1 percent) and national health care spending measured by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (4.1 percent). The largest contributors to the 2022 expenditure increases were pharmacy spending and non-claims payments, CHIA said.

Other medical services, which includes long term care and home health services, was the largest component of MassHealth spending, totaling $3.4 billion in 2022. Other medical services spending increased 10.1% overall, but only 0.8% on a PMPM basis. Its important to note that the CHIA report does not specifically mention how much was spent on home health services amongst the “other medical service” category.

MassHealth Proposes Significant Increase to CSN Rates

In February, MassHealth released their proposed rates for CSN services. In summary, MassHealth proposed a 32.4% increase to RN weekday rates, and an 11% increase to LPN rates. They have also added a high-tech rate for members with Trachs/Vents/Central lines, these rates have a $2/unit ($8/hr) add on/UA modifier, as well as increased the rate for the 60-day supervisory visit of CCA services by 32.4% as well. If these rates take effect, we will have realized nearly 100% rate increases to this program since 2017 when HCA’s members and CCM Families teamed together on advocacy efforts. An incredible feat.

HCA provided verbal testimony in favor of the rate increase at a public hearing last week, in addition to submitting written testimony.

Massachusetts Health Care Costs Rose in 2022

The Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA), created under a 2012 cost containment law, released its annual report Wednesday examining health care spending trends in 2022. The detailed report covers a year that started with record-high reporting of COVID-19 cases, followed by gradual decline throughout the year.

CHIA’s annual report estimated total health care spending in Massachusetts at $71.7 billion in 2022, and a per capita health care expenditure of $10,264 per resident. Total health care spending was up $3.9 billion (up 5.8 percent on a per capita basis) over 2021’s level — well in excess of the state’s 3.1 percent benchmark for health care cost growth. CHIA said the 5.8 percent growth rate in 2022 represents the largest one-year jump since measurement began in 2012, aside from the “anomalous spending growth in 2021 driven by the pronounced effects of the pandemic.” Health care spending shot up 9 percent in 2021 after posting a 2.3 percent decline in 2020. The 2022 growth in health care spending was below both the rate of growth in the Massachusetts economy broadly (7.2 percent) and regional inflation (7.1 percent), CHIA said, but outpaced growth in both national wages and salaries (5.1 percent) and national health care spending measured by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (4.1 percent).

Other medical services, which includes long term care and home health services, was the largest component of MassHealth spending, totaling $3.4 billion in 2022. Other medical services spending increased 10.1% overall, but only 0.8% on a PMPM basis. It’s important to note that the CHIA report does not specifically mention how much was spent on home health services amongst the “other medical service” category.

CMS Finally Releases Updated ABN Form!

Providers will need to use the renewed ABN form starting this August.

CMS just released the long-awaited Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN). The current ABN form expired in March 2020, so CMS instructed providers to continue using the expired form, since the form’s renewal was on hold at the Office of Management and Budget during the Public Health Emergency. Yesterday, CMS posted the updated ABN Form CMS-R-131 and form instructions (see the Downloads section at the bottom of the linked page).

The renewed form (with the expiration date of June 30, 2023) will be mandatory beginning August 31, 2020.  The ABN is issued by home health and hospice providers to Medicare beneficiaries in situations where Medicare payment is expected to be denied. The ABN is issued in order to transfer potential financial liability to the Medicare beneficiary in certain instances. Guidelines for issuing the ABN can be found beginning in Section 50 in the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, 100-4, Chapter 30 (PDF).

CMS to Delay Expansion of Pre-Claim Review Demo

CMS announced yesterday afternoon that they are delaying the expansion of the Pre-Claim Review Demonstration for Home Health Services which began in Illinois on August 3, 2016.

According a notice on CMS’s website, based on early information from the problems encountered in Illinois, CMS believes additional education efforts will be helpful before expansion of the demonstration to other states; therefore, they will not move forward with initiating the demonstration in Florida in October.  This education effort will focus on how to submit pre-claim review requests, documentation requirements, and common reasons for non-affirmation.

According to the notice, CMS views these efforts as crucial to the long-term success of the demonstration for beneficiaries, providers, and the Medicare program. CMS will therefore take additional time prior to expanding to other states.   The start dates for Florida, Texas, Michigan, and Massachusetts have not been announced; however, CMS will provide at least 30 days’ notice on this website prior to beginning in any state.  CMS continues to expect a staggered start, beginning with Florida.

The Alliance has been working closely with the state associations in the other demonstration states and national home health groups to advocate for major changes to the project.  Building off of this short-term victory, HCA will continue those efforts and is also briefing our Congressional delegation on the issue. HCA will, of course, keep members informed of any changes in the demonstration.

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Home Care’s Part in the CMS Bundled Payment Program for Cardiac Care

Though no final announcements on participants have been made, several areas of Massachusetts were declared “eligible” by CMS for random selection of nearly 100 metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) across the country for a new innovation initiative that offers bundled payment for cardiac care.

CMS released the proposed rule on July 25th where the hospital in which a patient is admitted for care for a heart attack, bypass surgery, or surgical hip/femur fracture treatment would be accountable for the cost and quality of care provided to Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries during the inpatient stay and for 90 days after discharge.

As with many similar alternative payment programs, established quality metrics would help determine whether the hospital would be required to pay Medicare for poor performance or receive reward payments for higher-quality care. CMS chose July 2017 to March 2018 as the “performance year” and then a gradual increase in the gains and downside risk for hospitals beginning at 5 percent in 2018 and capped at 20 percent in 2020-2021.

CMS is encouraging collaboration with other providers, including home health care and other post-acute providers. Equally important are a list of waivers this program will grant relative to the provision of post-acute care. Some notable highlights are listed below, with explanatory excerpts from the proposed rule, but the full list of waivers can be found in the proposed rule under “Subpart G” on page 885.

  • Waiver of direct supervision requirement for certain post-discharge home visits:
    • “CMS waives the requirement in  § 410.26(b)(5) of this chapter that services and supplies furnished incident to a physician’s service must be furnished under the direct supervision of the physician (or other practitioner) to permit home visits as specified in this section.  The services furnished under this waiver are not considered to be “hospital services,” even when furnished by the clinical staff of the hospital.”
  • Waiver of certain telehealth requirements:
    • “Except for the geographic site requirements for a face – to – face encounter for home health certification, CMS waives the  geographic site requirements of sec tion 1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I) through (III) of the Act for episodes  being tested in an EPM, but only for services that  (1)  May be furnished via telehealth under existing requirements; and (2)  Are included in the episode in accordance with  § 512.210”
    • The Alliance is researching whether this is restricted to physicians performing telehealth or whether home health agencies would be allowed to engage in remote patient monitoring.
  • Waiver of the SNF 3-day rule
    • Only applies to the AMI (Acute Myocardial Infarction) model.

There is a 60-day public comment period and it is unlikely that the participating MSAs will be revealed before the final rule, but the “eligible” areas in Massachusetts are included below:

  • Barnstable Town, MA
  • Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH
  • Providence-Warwick, RI-MA

Based on CMS’ selection criteria, the Pittsfield and Springfield Metropolitan Statistical Areas are “excluded” from selection eligibility.

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National Fraud “Hot Spots” Revealed in Largest-Ever Operation Announced by US DOJ

The US Department of Justice announced that 301 individuals have been charged with falsely billing Medicare a total of approximately $900 million in what is being called the largest coordinated Medicare fraud take down in history.

Home health services were among a list of services involved in the fraud schemes that also included physical and occupational therapy, durable medical equipment (DME) and prescription drugs. In the process, the HHS Inspector General released a data brief titled “Nationwide Analysis of Common Characteristics in OIG Home Health Fraud Cases.”

That data brief reveal some trends in outlier patterns among home health agencies and affiliated physicians, but also identifies 27 “hot spots” in 12 states where home health care fraud is prevalent. Massachusetts is not among the states shown in the map below where much of the home health fraud activity is occurring.

Recently, Massachusetts has been included in a planned “pre-claim review” demonstration starting “no earlier” than January 2017 that will, according to CMS, test whether such a process improves methods for the identification, investigation, and prosecution of Medicare fraud occurring among Home Health Agencies. Among the five states involved in the demonstration, Massachusetts is the only one not on any target list for the Medicare Fraud Task force known as HEAT (Health Care Fraud Prevention & Enforcement Action Team). For many years, the Home Care Alliance has repeatedly advocated for a temporary moratorium on new Medicare home health providers in response to recent growth in the number of new agencies, but such efforts have been denied by Medicare.

2016 HHA Fraud Hotspots

According the to HHS Inspector General, these are areas where characteristics commonly found in OIG-investigated cases of home health fraud were prevalent. The report states that “many of these hotspots are areas already recognized as having high rates of Medicare fraud, which suggests that home health fraud in these areas is an ongoing concern and that enforcement and program integrity efforts should continue.”

116 US Reps Sign on to Prior Authorization Letter to CMS

Even though the public comment period for CMS’ proposed prior authorization demonstration ended on April 5th, the Home Care Alliance has been active in its continuing advocacy to oppose the measure.

Joining national associations and advocates from across the country, the HCA helped spearhead a congressional letter to CMS opposing prior authorization, which gained 116 signatures and was co-led by Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern. All but one member of the state’s congressional House delegation signed on. The Alliance thanks Congressmen Stephen Lynch, Joseph Kennedy, Bill Keating, Richard Neal, Seth Moulton and Congresswomen Niki Tsongas and Katherine Clark for their support.

The proposed five-state pilot includes Massachusetts, Florida, Texas, Illinois and Michigan and those five states have been lobbying members of Congress, but many others nationwide have joined in the fight realizing that a demonstration could, and likely would, lead to wider implementation.

In late February, the Home Care Alliance began its advocacy of the proposal by traveling to Washington DC to deliver a letter outlining the organization’s comments to members of Congress. The HCA and all others who gathered in opposition to the prior authorization demonstration await a response from CMS.

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MHA, ONL & HCA Publish Latest Quality Measures for Hospitals, Home Health Agencies

The Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA), Organization of Nurse Leaders of MA, RI, NH & CT (ONL) and Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts have publicly posted the latest available key national care quality performance measures for both hospitals and home healthcare agencies in Massachusetts. Data from Medicare’s Hospital Compare and Home Health Compare are now available on the PatientCareLink website for 77 Bay State hospitals and 89 Bay State home health agencies.Patientcarelink logo

Reported measures for hospitals include best practices for heart attack or chest pain, heart failure, pneumonia care, influenza prevention, surgical care improvement, stroke care and blood clot prevention and treatment. For home care agencies, the reported measures include timely initiation of care, patient/family medication education, depression assessment, and more.

To view the updated reports, visit www.patientcarelink.org and click on the “Healthcare Provider Data” tab and then either the “Hospital Data” or “Home Health Agency Data” link, then “Individual Hospital Performance Measures” or “Select an Agency.”

The home health agency reports now incorporate data for the period June 2014 – July 2015 for all measures, and the hospital reports cover April 2014 – March 2015. In addition to each facility’s individual performance, the PCL pages also provide a comparison to state and U.S. “peer” facility averages.

“Providing high quality, safe patient care is a top priority for Massachusetts hospitals,” said Pat Noga, PhD, RN, Vice President of Clinical Affairs for MHA. “Our hospitals are also committed to publicly posting important quality and staffing information to provide patients and caregivers alike additional confidence in their care.”

Patricia Kelleher, Executive Director of the Home Care Alliance of MA, added that the partnership between hospitals and home health agencies on PCL furthers positive working relationships along the entire continuum of care, which can only improve patient safety and quality overall.

“Choosing in-home services can be a daunting task and that’s why we’re proud that PatientCare Link (PCL) website allows patients and their families to find high-quality care in the home setting that fits their needs,” Kelleher said. “PCL includes Medicare-approved agencies that meet certain federal health and safety requirements, and provides patients, caregivers, and families the tool to easily access home health agency quality data to take control of their care and their health.”

Massachusetts was the first state to voluntarily make hospital staffing and nursing-sensitive quality information public starting in 2006. Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts joined the PCL quality and patient safety transparency effort in 2013. The PatientCareLink website is a great resource and gives patients an open and transparent view of the hospitals providing them care.

Hospitals and home care agencies welcome transparency about their performance when performance measures are grounded in good science and are designed to make fair comparisons across institutions. Publicly reported performance data can offer several benefits, including:

  • Offering useful information for making decisions about where to obtain healthcare
  • Helping healthcare professionals and institutions improve the care they deliver; and
  • Providing extra motivation to improve performance.

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Prior Authorization Demo Proposed by CMS

Piling on top of existing pilots and demonstrations, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have released another proposed program that would establish Medicare prior authorizations and a fraud measurement pilot.

Massachusetts is one of five states – along with Florida, Texas, Illinois and Michigan – selected for the prior authorization demonstration. There are no details on what the authorizations would entail in the proposed demonstration aside from CMS stating that it would be similar to “Prior Authorization of Power Mobility Device (PMD) Demonstration, which was implemented by CMS in 2012.” The rule continues that “this demonstration would also follow and adopt prior authorization processes that currently exist in other health care programs such as TRICARE, certain state Medicaid programs, and in private insurance.”

CMS’ reasoning for implementing such a program a belief that it will help assist in “developing improved procedures for the identification, investigation, and prosecution of Medicare fraud occurring among HHAs providing services to Medicare beneficiaries.”

According to CMS, Medicare contractors will request the information from home health agency providers submitting claims for payment from the Medicare program in advance to determine appropriate payment.

The second piece of the CMS’ proposal is titled the “Medicare Probable Fraud Measurement Pilot.” The pilot would establish a baseline estimate of probable fraud in Medicare fee-for-service payments for home health care.

CMS purports that this would be accomplished using, at least in part, a summary of the service history of the HHA, the referring provider, and the beneficiary to estimate the percentage of total payments that are associated with probable fraud and the percentage of all claims that are associated with probable fraud for Medicare fee-for-service home health.

HCA is currently working to get more details on this demonstration so as to devise an advocacy strategy.

Comments on the proposed demonstration are due by April 5th and details are available here on the Federal Register.

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CMS Releases Final Home Health Rule, Adds Discharge Planning Proposal

CMS published the Final Rule for Medicare Home Health PPS and VBP for CY 2016 to its website yesterday.  The official notice will be published in the Federal Register on November 5.

CMS also announced a “Discharge Planning Proposed Rule,” that is estimated to cost home health agencies nationwide about $283 million. The proposal, which the Home Care Alliance will fully analyze, will revise discharge planning processes for hospitals, long-term care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and critical access hospitals in addition to home health.

In terms of changes made to the Home Health Final Rule, CMS pulled back slightly regarding both payment and in the Value Based Purchasing Program. Below is an analysis from HCA staff:

Value Based Purchasing:

The final rule makes minor changes to the VBP system from the proposed rule.  The same nine states (including MA) are selected, with all agencies in the state included in the VBP system.  VBP will begin January 1, 2016, with a 2015 baseline year on performance, with all agencies within each selected state competing against each other for payment adjustments tied to quality performance measures.

CMS made a small concession to industry concerns that the proposed risk corridor was too broad, and reduced the maximum payment reduction in the first year of the VBP from the proposed 5 percent to 3 percent. The payment adjustments will be increased incrementally over the course of the model with: 

  • a maximum payment adjustment of  3-percent (upward or downward) in 2018,
  • a maximum payment adjustment of 5-percent (upward or downward) in 2019,
  • a maximum payment adjustment of 6-percent (upward or downward) in 2020,
  • a maximum payment adjustment of 7-percent (upward or downward) in2021, and
  • a maximum payment adjustment of 8-percent (upward or downward) in 2022.

CMS dropped 4 process measures and 1 of the new reporting measures. The final set of 24 measures includes 10 outcome measures, 6 process measures, 5 HHCAHPS, and 3 New Measures.

Outcome Measures

  • Improvement in Pain Interfering with Activity-M1242
  • Improvement in Dyspnea- M1400
  • Improvement in Bathing-M1830
  • Improvement in Bed Transferring-M1850
  • Improvement in Ambulation-Locomotion M1860
  • Prior Functioning ADL/IADL-M1900
  • Improvement in Management of Oral Medications-M2020
  • Discharged to Community-M2420
  • Acute Care Hospitalization: Unplanned Hospitalization during first 60 days of Home Health- (Claims)
  • Emergency Department Use without Hospitalization- (Claims)

Process Measures

  • Influenza Vaccine Data Collection Period: Does this episode of care include any dates on or between October 1 and March 31?-M1041
  • Influenza Immunization Received for Current Flu Season-M1046
  • Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Ever Received-M1051
  • Reason Pneumococcal vaccine not received-M1056
  • Drug Education on All Medications Provided to Patient/Caregiver during all Episodes of Care-M2015
  • Care Management: Types and Sources of Assistance-M2102

Home Health CAHPS: Satisfaction Survey Measures

  • Care of Patients
  • Communications between Providers and Patients
  • Specific Care Issues
  • Overall rating of home health care
  • Willingness to recommend the agency

New Measures

  • Influenza Vaccination Coverage for Home Health Care Personnel
  • Herpes zoster (Shingles) vaccination: Has the patient ever received the shingles vaccination?
  • Advance Care Plan

CMS has modified the reporting of the New Measures; HHAs will be required to begin reporting data (through a web portal) no later than October 7, 2016, for the period July, 2016, through September, 2016, and quarterly thereafter. As a result, the first quarterly performance report in July, 2016, will not account for any of the New Measures.

CY2016 PPS Rates

Case Mix Weights:  CMS made additional minor changes to the case mix weights based on additional analysis.

Case Mix Adjustment:  In a slight concession to industry comments, CMS is phasing in their proposed 2.88% case mix adjustment over three years instead of the two years they initially proposed.  So the final rule decreases the national, standardized 60-day episode payment amount by 0.97% each year in CY 2016, CY 2017, and CY 2018, instead of 1.44% for just 2016 and 2017. 

Market Basket Update:  The final CY 2016 home health market basket (2.3 percent) combined with the multifactor productivity adjustment (0.4 percentage points) results in a 1.9 percent home health payment update percentage.

Wage Index:  CMS made additional small adjustments to the Wage Index because they used an updated database of hospital wage data.  The final wage index is slightly lower than the proposed index for every geographic region in MA except Berkshire County.

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CMS Sends Brief Response on Congressional HHPPS Letter

A letter to CMS voicing deep concerns about the Home Health proposed rule with 133 signatures from members of Congress, including all nine US Representatives from Massachusetts, was sent in mid September.

CMS issued their response, which was more brief than usual and only served to thank the signers for sharing those concerns. CMS is obviously not sharing much as the finalized regulation is set to be released on November 1st.

The original congressional letter to CMS made a few major points. Concerns about the case mix cuts centered on the data CMS relied upon to make those adjustments, which were flagged as “outdated” and illogical. CMS essentially ignored the past five years of data and instead used a decade of data in the prior time period to make projections going forward.

The letter also raised concerns about the proposed Value-Based Purchasing Program (VBP) that will take place in nine states, including Massachusetts. Specifically, the five-to-eight percent penalty/reward window was put forth as much too severe and dramatic as was the immense list of quality measures that CMS proposed that agencies would track as part of the VBP.

Among those leading on the letter were Massachusetts Congressman and home health care champion Jim McGovern. The Alliance thanks Congressman McGovern and all in the state’s congressional delegation that signed on. More information will be announced following the release of the final rule.

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